Friday, May 30, 2008

fashion as over/underpriced

I think Saskia and I observed this first hand in New York-- shirts for $4, sandals for $3 or even $1.50. I'm not for $4000 purses, but someone is getting underpaid in this transaction. But it's hard to justify paying more out of principle since you know that the laborers in China are not the ones earning the extra profit on the $4000 purse.

Anyway, I think this is an interesting trend, reflecting the true cost of manufacturing which on one hand makes fashion accessible to more people; on the other, maybe robbing the true value of that which is bought. On some level, I don't value my $1.50 sandals even though I really like them, and it encourages an attitude of disposibility if I think I can easily replace my shoes often at no real financial cost to myself.

(sorry to be a downer with my first post! maybe i'll be the depressive-non-photographic-one on this blog..)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Inside Local 23 Montreal

I love the eighties

But oeps the zipper broke... Jenny whats the name of the cafe we tried these funny clothes on? I know its on Mont Royal in Montreal, but i also know this street is maybe 60 km long.

I love how this turned out!

Jenny, you had a great idea to meld these 2 sweaters. You and Saskia had the vision of embedding one in the other and we all agreed that the colours demanded those art deco shells. I'm pretty pleased with myself for figuring out how to make it happen. I learned the trick of the embedding and how you must reverse-stretch it.

Process documented below:

We did it.

Indemaak is ours!